Opened in 2021, Toll Bar Cottage is a community venue and cafe in the Parish of Broughton. Our Manager and staff, helped by volunteers run the cafe and all those in the Parish and surrounding areas are welcome to meet for a coffee, and a cake, lunch, or to hire the rooms for a celebration, meeting or activity.

In 2016, our Neighbourhood Plan highlighted as a high priority the Parishes desire for a meeting place and, accordingly, the Parish council bought Toll Bar Cottage, renovated and extended it with the help of National Lottery funding, and funding from Enviro, CiL and the Parish Council.

The Building

The building maintains its historic roots, where Turnpike Trust Keepers lived from the mid-1700s. Although fully renovated many original characteristics have remained - the fireplace and Toll payment window are in their original position and the beams - mind your head! To maximise the use of the facility and provide refreshments a modern industrial kitchen has been installed and the building extended to the east.

Downstairs, there are two areas; the light, modern extension, with its bi-fold doors, and, the old cottage, with tables around the original fireplace. Both areas are available to book, separately or together, when the cafe is not operating.

Downstairs there are fully accessible facilities, including baby changing equipment. There are a number of display cabinets where local crafters and artists, for a small fee, can display and sell their works. Alternatively they may prefer to have wall space.

Agreements for the display hire are here:

Agreement for the Display of Art/Crafts

Upstairs, sees the Parish Office and an open plan area with tables and chairs - suitable for a small meeting, a small group of people to lunch or for quiet contemplation while you read from the selection of local history books and other books of local interest. There is also a computer to access the Lancashire County Council Archives website.

Outside we have a walled garden, with seating for use in better weather. There is a garden in keeping with the original building and fruit trees, with a space for the village Christmas tree. There is a small area where children can play, and cycle racks for cyclists - especially those cycling or walking the Guild Wheel. Historical features have also been retained outside with the “Tenon” post, in the past used as the toll gate post, a “pike” stone and an old gate post from the donkey paddock.

Available from the Cafe is a booklet on the history of the Cottage available for £1.

Opening Hours

Please see the foot of this page for opening times.

Outside of these hours, the Café and meeting rooms are available for groups, families and others to use for at reasonable cost. Celebration events will be able to use the kitchen provided it is left clean and tidy. View and download our Lettings Form .


We are always on the lookout for more volunteers, who will be given suitable training. If you're interested in sharing some of your time with us, please complete and submit this Volunteering Form.

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